I’m a storyteller. I love championing the outcasts, the misunderstood, the overlooked, the unseen and unheard. Whether it’s in the natural or human world, I am fascinated with the universal themes of struggle and loss, defeat and victory, endurance and resilience, the light and shade of being alive. This is where my passion for science and storytelling reside.
I have claims to African, Asian, European, Native American, Oriental and Polynesian ancestry. This mixed lineage has found expression in the stories I tell. Serving fresh narratives and different perspectives is to push past barriers, borders and boundaries and discover greater empathy and connection with each other and the world we live in.
But let’s be clear from the start; I’m just another person trying to figure all of this out and working hard to make the world a better place so I can kick back on a plastic-free beach, enjoy an earth-friendly beer and stop working so hard.